What happens if a horse is pulled out of the race or it ends up head to head?
Dead Heat is a tie between two or, rarely, more runners in a race. Usually, a photo finish can determine the winner, but at times it is too close to call. If there is a Dead Heat, you will win part of your bet and lose part of your bet.
Special Incidents Index | |
Abbreviation | Description |
DISQ | Disqualified |
DNF | Did not finish |
FE | Horse fell during the race |
PU | Pulled Up |
TNP | Took no part |
UR | Unseated Rider |
VOID | Void Race |
WR | Withdrawn-by Starter |
WV | Withdrawn-on Veterinary grounds |
WV-A | Withdrawn-on Veterinary grounds after weighing out |
WX | Withdrawn-by order of Stewards |
WX-A | Withdrawn-by order of Stewards after weighing out |
WXNR | Withdrawn-non runner |
DH | Dead Heat is a tie between two |
2 Responses
When can we purchase the single season 2021 data?
Hi @DR,
2021 single season data will be soon released and posted in our single season product area. Post you when done. Thanks for commenting, please get in touch with us on info@horseracedatabase.com for more details.